Microsonic Systems™ The sound of discovery™

Microsonic Systems is now delivering its first high-powered ultrasonic fluid processing device to the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. Our instruments utilize ultrasonic micromixers built with MEMS technology to provide microscale mixing to these markets.

Watch our product in action! Click on a video below
Bead Re-suspension

Bead re-suspension in 96 well plate format - Magnetic beads in water

Bead re-suspension in 1536 well plate format - Magnetic beads in water

Compound Solubilization

Compound solubilization in 384-well microplate - Sugar fully dissolved in water

Insoluble compound homogenization in 384-well microplate - Starch fully suspended in water


Mixing in 384-well microplate - Black Dye in water at different fill heights

Mixing in 1536-well microplate - Black Dye in water at 6uL fill height